Serving breakfast Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (closes May through August)
When the Thrift Shop opened, parishoner Rollie Gage thought it would help business if they offered coffee and donuts to the people who came to shop. When the Thrift Shop expanded into the Parish Hall, Rollie thought it would be great to begin to serve breakfast to the community, offering a low cost, hearty breakfast. Our Fellowship Café was born. It was also named Café Rollé in honor of Rollie Gagne who passed away in February of 2023. Please contact the church office if you are interested in volunteering.

An organization for women of the Episcopal Church and churches in communion with it. The Order of the Daughters of the King follow two rules: Rule of Prayer – for the needs of parishioners and of the parish, for those who are ill, and those who are deceased; Rule of Service and Evangelism – support the clergy for the good of the parish and promote the extension of Christ’s reign to all our sisters and brothers. The Daughters collected baby shower items for the North River Care Pregnancy Center. Please contact the church office for more information.

Marilyn Wolter and Lorriane Wood began making prayer shawls and lap robes for the home bound, those coming home from the hospital and surgery, or anyone who just needed to feel the warmth of God’s love enfold them through the Prayer Shawl Ministry of St. Mary’s. Handy with a pair of needles or crochet hook? Think about joining this group! Donations of yarn or cash can be made to Lorraine or Marilyn - contact the church office for more information.

Each season, we collect school supplies and give a Christmas gift to the children of our Latino/Hispanic Ministry. Please contact the church office for more information.

We sponsor a Holiday Bazaar which not only has holiday items but handicrafts, quilts, a bake sale, breakfast, jewelry, a Gift Basket Raffle, and more! For information on items needed and details to volunteer, please contact the church office.

We host a community event in February to gather people together for a wonderful luncheon. The event is highlighted by our selection of decadent desserts, and an afternoon of cards and games. All are welcome from far and wide. Door prizes and a Gift Basket Raffle add to the fun! Contact the church office for more information.