ALTAR GUILD- Prepare the altar for the celebration and clean-up after the celebration.
FLOWER GUILD- Prepare fresh flowers to enhance liturgical environment. Seasonal Environment: Set church environment to reflect the liturgical season.
MUSIC MINISTRY- Chancel Choir, Handbell Choir, musician. Reader/Lector: Proclaim God’s Word and lead the Prayers of the People.
ACOLYTE/LEM (Lay Eucharistic Minister)- Lead the entrance procession as the crucifer. Hold the Book of the Gospels. Help set the Altar for the Eucharist. Be the cupbearer, offering the Blood of Christ to people at communion. Lead recessional procession as crucifer. Assist in getting things ready for the next celebration.
GREETERS/USHERS- Greet people as they enter the church, offer them a worship aid, direct them to rest rooms if asked. Before the service ask two people to carry the gifts of bread and wine in the offertory procession. Take up the collection using offering plates. Consolidate offerings into one plate and bring it forward so the priest can offer the gifts of money to God.
(For more information about volunteering for our Worship Ministries, please contatct the church office)