Responding to the urging of the Holy Spirit we are committed to the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ- to reconcile, restore, and empower all people to love God and our neighbors as ourselves.
Our worship is guided by the
Episcopal Church’s Book of Common
Prayer which was revised in 1978,
and placed the emphasis of our
liturgical worship on both Word
and Sacrament. Our rector, Fr. Glen,
likes to call our worship “relaxed
reverence,” because we are a smaller
but friendly community of believers.
Newcomers are immediately
welcomed and invited to the coffee
hour following the 10:00 a.m. liturgy.
But more importantly, all are invited to
the Lord’s table to share in Holy
Communion and receive the
presence of Christ. Jesus’ words
in the Gospel continually invite us
to “Come and follow me,” and we
invite you to do the same.

The love of Christ urges us forward to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.
2 Corinthians 5:14, Micah 6:8